Sorry for the long time in between posts, getting back into the swing of things was my main focus the last couple of weeks and it's paid off. Tomorrow starts the last week of the 3rd cycle for Charcuterie, and then it's on to baking. Not my favorite endevor in the world, but something I need to learn.
As I think I've mentioned before I'm now a member of "Team WCI" it's a culinary competition team. I'm a 2nd alternate but my main reason for joining was for the learning experience - and I've learned a lot so far and we haven't even scratched the surface. And it's been taking up a lot of my time, it's not unusual now not to get home from school until 4 or 5p (school gets out at 12n).
I also decided to forgo joining the Sauce Club, they meet on weekends and I can't afford the extra gas and parking money. If they met on the weekdays after school that would be one thing, I just don't have the budget to afford the extra gas and parking. Remember I live about 45 minutes from school.
I've got more pictures to process and post in the coming days.
This Chicken Curry Laksa Is Gorgeous
22 hours ago
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