OK so I'm a bit behind in my movie watching, but last night I finally sat down and watched "Ratatouille". I was absolutely floored, what a great movie! I can't believe that I hadn't see the movie before this. But with the food connection, it was pretty darn good. It was also interesting to find out that none other than Thomas Keller of French Laundry, Per Se, etc. etc. was the Executive Chef for the movie and I guess he had a minor voice role in the movie as well.
I'm not sure what or when his voice was used, but hey I'm a geek that way and found it highly interesting. On another note, they just posted our grades for the Second Cycle, and I'm proud to say I'm still carrying a 4.0!!! Now this might not be all that exciting, but for a kid who squeaked through High School and never ever even sniffed a 4.0 this is pretty big thing for me.
I didn't doubt myself, though I though that I choked on a couple of the written tests, which is always a sticking point. I may take the most anal retentive notes of anyone I know - but I can digest all that information but as soon as that piece of paper is set down in front of me - I have a tendency to go blank. It's something that I really need to work on. I'll take some snap shots of what my notes look like, I take them in class and then type them out that night.
My son will be arriving from Spokane in a few hours, and I can't be more excited. Hopefully I'll get him to help me out in the kitchen, I think at some point before he goes home we're going to make Mt. Dew Cupcakes. Yes, you read that right Mt. Dew Cupcakes. I found a recipe a year or so ago and haven't tried it, and honestly I drink enough Mt. Dew that I should be a share holder. Oh, and I'm not a baker so anytime I take on a project like this - it'll prove to be interesting.
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